Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Friday, June 18, 2010

having a pet dog

Guest blog entry from Vanessa Lieberman.

One of the best ways I achieved security in my home was with a pet dog. It is almost like my dog serves as a home security alarm system, even though I have one of those too. A dog can be a companion that brings you joy and makes you feel safe within your own home.

Purchasing a dog was the best choice I ever made in my life. Perhaps you are like me, and you live in a city. As a young woman in her 20s, I moved to New York City for the first time. I had never lived in the city before, and I was very nervous about what to expect. I kept expressing my feelings to friends, and finally one of my friends advised me to purchase a pet dog. I had never considered purchasing a dog, but when I finally did purchase one, I realized it was the best decision I could make for myself.

Every day I come home from work, my pet dog is waiting for me by the door. Her name is Lucy, and she is beyond gorgeous. In addition, she cuddles up to me every night before I fall asleep. She makes me feel like I am not alone in a big city. If you want to feel safer in your home, I recommend getting a pet dog, or signing up for adt brinkshome security!


  • I use to have a pet dog. He was a really wonderful dog. My family does not live in a safe neighborhood so they bought a really big dog for me. He was really smart. He died and I miss him. I remember whenever I felt sad or scared I would let him in the house and he would follow me around and protect me.

    - from Hali

    By Blogger Hali, At June 28, 2010 8:03 PM  

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