Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


One thing I absolutely loved about traveling overseas was the hotels. When I traveled to Asia, I got to stay in a five star hotel for a very reasonable rate. It was absolutely incredible. There were people who carried our bags for us, and people who turned down the bed for us, and more. Plus the bathroom was huge! I could have turned a cartwheel in there! There was also a television above the bathtub, which was pretty neat!

When I traveled within Africa, the hotels I stayed in definitely were NOT five star. They were, however, different and unique, and I’m glad I got to visit there. I suspect that I could have stayed in a very nice (a la five star) hotel for a reasonable rate, but the group I was with traveled at a poverty rate.

When I go to the UK, I will probably stay in four star hotel like the Blackpool Hotel. It’s still a very nice hotel, but much more reasonably priced than a five star hotel. Since I am not yet a gazillionaire, I have to travel on a budget!


  • I'll bet those large hotela were a lot of fun.

    Me, I prefer condos as much as possible. We always stay in one when we travel. I guess, for me, I like the feeling of not being a tourist and hotels make me feel that way. However, some hotels are a lot of fun.

    By Blogger BLAZER PROPHET, At October 23, 2007 6:56 PM  

  • When I went to Disney World, we stayed in a condo. My parents gave me a trip to Disney World as a graduation gift, and we stayed on Disney property in a condo. It was very nice, albeit quite expensive - largely because it was Disney.

    I don't mind feeling like a tourist. When I'm overseas, it's pretty hard to avoid the "tourist" feeling anyway - as a white girl, I don't really blend in amongst the Asians or the Africans. I traveled to Asia on a sort of subsidized travel plan, which is how I got to stay in such a nice hotel. However, when I traveled in Africa, I was definitely on a "poverty" plan. Usually I stayed in a hostel, within walking distance of the "main drag" where I could get food and such. As I recall, it usually cost around $20/night for seven or eight people.

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At October 23, 2007 9:32 PM  

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