Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Thursday, October 18, 2007

the unreached

A couple of nights ago, I saw a rerun of “Sex and the City” that made me really sad. I think the writing on that show is excellent, and while I don’t agree with most of the activities in which the characters are involved, I still enjoy it sometimes. However, this particular episode put a really negative spin on singleness.

They talked about it almost like it is a disease. It is bad to be single – if you must be unmarried, then you must at least have a boyfriend. This is so untrue and so wrong! I have known many women throughout my life who have bought into the belief that they are not complete without a boyfriend, and as a result have bounced from one relationship to another. I do not have a boyfriend, and in a way I hope I don’t get a boyfriend. I absolutely love being single. I love the opportunities that I have as a single person, that I would not have if I was married or in a relationship.

Even in the church, I believe Christians are guilty of assuming that people are incomplete without a significant other. Singles are the “unreached” demographic. Why? There is no place in the Bible that says “Thou shalt get married” or anything like that. However, there is a ridiculous amount of focus on getting the singles matched up! Wake up, everyone! See us for who we really are – joyously single where God has placed us!


  • I dunno. I told my daughter when she left home for college to wait for THE right person and to be in no rush at all to get married.

    You sound like someone talking themself into liking singleness (yuk yuk yuk).

    By Blogger BLAZER PROPHET, At October 21, 2007 10:51 PM  

  • Blazer Prophet, you seem like a nice guy. But I also think you've bought into a great deal of the propaganda that the world (and the church) have fed you.

    The underlying assumption is that "singles are inherently unhappy". The reality is that singleness has absolutely nothing to do with happiness.

    As I grow older, I have seen friends rush into marriages with spouses who they did not love, because they felt like they were running out of time, or this may be their last chance to get married.

    We tell singles to wait for the right person and don't be in a rush to marry. But when they hit 25 or 30, and they're still unmarried, we hand them a whole new set of challenges: You need to be pursuing marriage. Marriage is God's perfect plan for life. Let us introduce you to other singles. God forbid you are 35 and single.

    I challenge you to examine several churches in your area. How many of them have singles groups? Not groups for "divorced moms" or "single moms" but groups for independent, unmarried singles. Of those groups, how many of those groups are focused on pairing off their members?

    If you think I have to talk myself into liking singleness, I really don't care. You're just another member of that massive mob that doesn't get it. Maybe it will take some time, but one day you're going to see how it really is for people like me. It's incredible. It's wonderful. It's a life that is so much better than anything I ever dreamed.

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At October 22, 2007 2:09 PM  

  • Not at all. Although I'm married, I loved my bachelor days and I enciourage people to marry only when they have found THE person and are convinced so.

    You have read me wrong, oh young one.

    By Blogger BLAZER PROPHET, At October 22, 2007 8:32 PM  

  • Just remember, if indeed I've read you wrong, it's a mutual offense.

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At October 23, 2007 1:20 PM  

  • No, there was no offense to me at all. And I hope there was none to you.

    By Blogger BLAZER PROPHET, At October 23, 2007 6:54 PM  

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