Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Friday, June 10, 2005

FBI and 9/11


This article says that the FBI missed crucial clues that "could have prevented Sept. 11". It seems strange to me, though, that the media keeps obsessing over what we could have done. I mean, it was then - this is now. It happened, and that is really sad and tragic, but we don't need to see what we could have done THEN. We need to see what we CAN do, NOW, to prevent another attack.

One problem (then) was definitely that I don't think anyone could have fathomed that something like this could happen. I mean, hijacking planes, that's been done since planes were first invented. But flying hijacked planes into crowded skyscrapers, world landmarks, that was just unbelievable.

So then, it can be scary if you let it, because now we have to consider what the most unbelievable, hard-to-imagine potential terrorist strikes are. Chemical warfare and stuff - that is always possible, but is there another, more shocking and more deadly, way that terrorists could get us?

It's the shock of culture wars. The unreality that one culture could hate the United States so much, and everything that the US represents. Freedom and liberty, and those have led to prosperity for our country.

That makes me think of another article I read:

This one is about the North Koreans' opinions of Americans. Many of the people in North Korea hate Americans, just because the government has fed them so much propoganda about how awful and evil Americans are. Culture is so complicated! So many people in our world hate us, just because we live in a democratic, free market society. We can buy whatever brand of cereal we want, we can go to whatever church we want, we can publish whatever publications we want, we can gather together anytime and anywhere without facing prosecution. We are blessed.


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