Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Thursday, August 30, 2007

one shelter, two ticks

Yeserday I went up to the shelter to walk the dogs. Of course I loved it... I mean, as far as exercise goes, it's a lot easier when I'm volunteering and when I have a bunch of really sweet dogs to keep me company.

After I got home yesterday, I felt pretty grubby so I jumped straight into the shower. In the shower I discovered two tiny ticks on me! Luckily they were both on my legs - one on my left ankle, one on my right knee. And even more luckily, those were the only ticks I could find! They were the teeny-tiny seed ticks, or maybe deer ticks. Right after my shower I got a pair of tweezers, a roll of scotch tape, and a couple of index cards, and I pulled out the ticks and taped them to the index cards (just in case I get sick and need to refer to them later). But luckily, I don't think they got in deep enough to do any damage. Both of them survived being pulled out of my skin, so I don't think they had latched onto a blood vessel yet. Icky!


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