Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Sunday, January 15, 2006

the mixed up world of miss tye d. bowl

I saw the aforementioned gentleman today at church. Seeing him is a lot harder now.

See, he's been my best friend for almsot three years. We spend so much time together - usually at least one evening a week, sometimes more. And all the articles that I have read (particularly those from Christian sources) have left me nothing but confused.

It hasn't helped that he has been sending mixed signals for over a year now. No, let me rephrase that - he sends clear "signals". But he continues to say we're "just friends".

I received more mixed signals again this morning. So is it over? Well, maybe. But it's so hard to know. I just need a lot of prayer.

Other exciting events: My mother is very ill today. She's been sick all weekend. She's showing symptoms of whooping cough, and she was exposed to it recently. I have talked to Bunnyservant, who is studying pharmacy and generally knows a lot about health care (plus she has access to a bunch of medical journals and medical databases), and Bunnyservant confirmed my fears. There is a very good chance that my mother has whooping cough.

This is not a good thing, because if she does have whooping cough, that means the entire family (myself, my father, and my mother) will be quarantined to the house for who-knows-how-long. Also my father and I will have to get onto antibiotics ASAP. Not to mention, my mom is really sick. And I don't like seeing her sick. I just want her to get better soon.


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