Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bible reccommendations


Okay, I already mentioned that my current Bible is a Zondervan NIV study Bible. But I was wondering if I could gather a few opinions out there as to your favorite Bibles/study Bibles. I know I need to get a new one soon, because my old Bible is falling apart. I really like study Bibles, and thus far I have really liked this particular study Bible. Plus I really like the NIV translation. So my question now is, should I get another Zondervan NIV study Bible or a different Bible?

So I would appreciate hearing from you about what type of Bible each of you owns and what you like and don't like about it. Thank you so much!


  • Germ likes the Archealogy bible. It tells him all kinds of exciting facts that he can bug me with.

    By Blogger BunnyServant, At April 24, 2006 3:53 PM  

  • Germ likes the Archealogy bible. It tells him all kinds of exciting facts that he can bug me with.

    By Blogger BunnyServant, At April 24, 2006 3:53 PM  

  • Pia, I love the NIV too. I don't want to quit using my Bible at all, because I have also filled it with notes, underlined verses, highlighted verses, and so on... but it is paperback, so it cannot be re-bound (I've actually investigated that!). However, I doubt that I will stop using it entirely... I'll definitely keep it around so that I can use it when I am at home or whatnot.

    Bunnygirl, I've actually looked at the Archaeology Bible pretty seriously. That's another one that I might get someday just to keep around the house.

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At April 25, 2006 5:47 PM  

  • TB, even though it may be a bit more difficult to read, my favorite for serious study is the King James because:

    1) I believe it is the most accurate translation as it is based on a word for word rather than thought for thought translation.

    2) For studying purposes, I find that the English used in King James' day was more specific than the contemporary language of the day. You will get a richer study time from this version.

    Those are my thoughts. Also, a wide margin bible is great for note taking if you can find one in your translation of choice.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At April 25, 2006 7:27 PM  

  • Janna, one of the things I LOVE about having the Internet is being able to access websites such as biblegateway.com. NIV is my favorite translation for "general" purposes - although I freely admit that at least part of that is because I am very accustomed to the NIV translation. But I love being able to get onto the internet and access other translations (as well as commentaries, etc...). Sometimes one of the best ways to understand a verse is to compare how it is translated (or paraphrased) in KJV, NIV, NLT, Message, and so on.

    Of course, I won't lie - I know how immeasurably blessed I am to have access to all these different Bibles.

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At April 25, 2006 7:40 PM  

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