Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Friday, April 13, 2007

aye aye aye... i'm home sweet home!

Where to begin, where to begin...

Well, I'm home now. The drama of the ship has finally driven me back to a "western" continent. I won't lie a bit - it's a relief to be here. Home is, and always will be, home. More importantly, home is where my parent, my church, and my friends are. These are people who accept me completely, for everything I am and everything I am not.

That's not to say that life on the ship was miserable or impossible. It was difficult, but I found some close friends on the ship - people who I miss already. The organization is flawed and changes need to be made, but that's not my call to make, plus now that I'm home, I won't really be affected by their choices anymore. That's a relief.

Here in the US, I am just beginning to adjust to the time-zone change, and just beginning to get back on top of my old life. I sold my car when I went overseas, I haven't owned or maintained a residence in the US, and (partially because I was not expecting to be home so soon) I do not have a job. My first goal, then, is to somehow buy a car. Since I don't really have any money, I don't really have that figured out either. Once I have a car, I will start applying for jobs, and hopefully I can get some kind of income started. Then maybe, in a few months, I can start to look at getting my own apartment.

I don't really have a clue what job I will get, so that will be an adventure. Working on the ship pretty much dashed any interest I have in teaching, at least for the time being. So I am looking at going back to school or somehow getting a job in a different field, maybe science-related or writing.

Now that I'm home (at least for the time being), I will hopefully have time to blog! I have to get back into the blogging "habit"! Amazingly, I think I will be quite busy now that I am home, both online and off. Somehow there is always enough work to fill the time! But, for those who are in the neighborhood... see you around!


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