Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Monday, April 30, 2007

flirt-boy is back!

Okay. So today I went back to McDonalds... same place as last week. The good news is that they had ketchup this time. But the bad news is that flirt-boy is back... and worse than before.

I got my order from him because, well, I didn't really have a choice... he was the only one behind the counter. AGAIN he messed my order up... but again I wasn't dumb enough to go back up and ask for a new order. As I stood waiting for my order, he made many (pitiful) attempts to start a conversation with me.

So finally I get my food and sit down. I was looking forward to a quiet lunch, as I pulled out a book and opened it to the place where I'd left off. I turned to my food when suddenly, Flirt-Boy sat down (uninvited) in the seat across from me. Again, he is attempting to make conversation... asking all kinds of questions about me. So I was trying to be polite and friendly, but not overly forward... I answered his questions and plastered a polite smile on my face. I also made it very clear that I am (almost) 24 years old. Finally he left, and at last returned to my (now-cold) food. I thought I could finally have some peace.

I was nearing the end of my meal when he came back... and he asked me when I was coming back to McDonalds. Now that's a question that took me off guard. I don't plan my visits to McDonalds! I just go there when I'm in the mood to eat out. I sputtered and told him I had no idea when I would return.

But honestly, based on his behavior, I'm not very inclined to return soon at all! I strongly suspect that when I return, I am going to have to tell him that I am NOT interested in him. Sheesh. What can you do about that?


  • I hate when things like that happen.
    in your head you know what you want to say but out loud you don't want to be rude or hurt their feeling so you just sit there and have a conversation just waiting for that person to go away!

    By Blogger Kell Rees, At April 30, 2007 10:39 PM  

  • Exactly! I'm not interested in meeting a guy at McDonalds, of all places... I really think that he can choose a much classier place. Now I know that every time I go back there, I'm going to have to deal with him.

    And if I'm honest with him, I bet that he'll be weird towards me every time I go there after that. *Sigh* It's tough being a girl!

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At May 01, 2007 9:35 AM  

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