theories on invitro fertilization and other infertility treatments
Today, I found this article on The article is about 10-year-old transgender kid. He is biologically a boy, but strongly believes that he is a she. He had his name legally changed from Richard to Riley, and his (her?) parents allow him to wear female clothes and to behave like a girl.
One interesting note in this article is that this child was conceived via invitro fertilization. The couple gave birth to fraternal twins, a girl and a boy, though of course the boy is transgender.
So this brings me to my theory... Could invitro fertilization and other forms of infertility treatment be the cause of the many people today with sexual confusion? (i.e. homosexuals, transgender, transexuals, etc.) Is a child born via invitro fertilization at higher "risk" for struggling with homosexuality or another form of sexual confusion?
Many of my friends already know how I feel about infertility treatments. For a variety of reasons, I know that my own fertility is already compromised, and I'm okay with that. I also know that I will, under no circumstances, hot-wire my body to have a baby. There is no reason to do so when so many children in our country and in other countries are orphaned. I fully plan to adopt at least one, and hopefully more, children. We were not made to be conceived in a test-tube.
One interesting note in this article is that this child was conceived via invitro fertilization. The couple gave birth to fraternal twins, a girl and a boy, though of course the boy is transgender.
So this brings me to my theory... Could invitro fertilization and other forms of infertility treatment be the cause of the many people today with sexual confusion? (i.e. homosexuals, transgender, transexuals, etc.) Is a child born via invitro fertilization at higher "risk" for struggling with homosexuality or another form of sexual confusion?
Many of my friends already know how I feel about infertility treatments. For a variety of reasons, I know that my own fertility is already compromised, and I'm okay with that. I also know that I will, under no circumstances, hot-wire my body to have a baby. There is no reason to do so when so many children in our country and in other countries are orphaned. I fully plan to adopt at least one, and hopefully more, children. We were not made to be conceived in a test-tube.
i think that anyone who can adopt should. There are so many children out there who need someone to care for them and give them a stable household.
By Kell Rees, At April 25, 2007 10:45 PM
That's my point exactly! It grieves me to see so many people are seeking infertility treatments, while there are so so many children all over the world who need homes. Then add to that the number of abandoned embryos as a result of those infertility treatments and really - it's shocking.
And even those families who are fertile and can have children - what is stopping them from opening their home to an orphaned child? We are one of wealthiest nations in the world, and there are so many children (inside and outside our nation) who need the security that we can give them.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to see orphanages in three different foreign countries, on three different continents. I'll never forget what I've seen. After I left the first orphanage (in China), I vowed that I would return one day to bring home a baby girl. The call that God placed on my heart there was, and is, a powerful one. These kids need our love. That's all they want - love. I can give that. So I will.
By Tidy Bowl, At April 25, 2007 11:17 PM
I dont think it would cause transgender-ness. Or whatever the term is. I believe that is caused by one thing "SIN!"
Because of the fall of man our own desires result in that sort of confusion.
I do not believe that a baby can accidently be made a male but look like a female. That is completely against anything the Word teaches about the lord fashioning us in our mothers womb. If he created a boy baby he meant it to be a boy. If that boy feels he is a girl its a result to the own sin of man causing that.
Otherwise it would cause the bible to contradict itself.
By Drea, At April 26, 2007 2:16 PM
I totally agree with you...
Transgender-ness and all those other "ness-es" are, above all, caused by SIN.
But here, what I wonder is if this child's transgender-ness is in any way related to the invitro. Of course, God only knows... But this is a ten year old child! And his/her transgender-ness goes back almost to birth - his parents tell stories of him/her as a two or three year old and almost cutting his penis off with a pair of nail clippers. So I guess this gets into... why? Why is the child like this? Is it genetic or did he choose it? Nature or nurture?
I don't really know the answer. It's probably some of both. But I don't know the definitive answer.
By Tidy Bowl, At April 26, 2007 3:38 PM
Pls send me your e-mail address and I will add you to my blog once again cause I made it private. Thanx,Dianna
By Dianna, At April 26, 2007 4:08 PM
No I dont think its related to invetro at all. It be like us saying "so because of parents sin the child is punished?" The Lord talks about this in the gospels .. I think the Gospel of Luke but im not sure.. He will not punish our children for our sin.
So if invetro was the sin and the child being born with these sort of issues is the result of that sin to me wouldnt be right. I dont believe the Lord would do this.
By Drea, At April 27, 2007 8:53 AM
Hmm... Drea, this is true also. Hadn't thought of that!
I guess the whole situation is sort of the "sum-total of the sin of humanity". I mean, I know we both agree that humankind, as a whole, has sort of snowballed through sin. So then, looking at the whole situation, there's a lot in there that is or might be sin.
For example, I think the argument could be made that invitro fertilization is a sin. I can already see a huge argument coming because of that statement (and not necessarily from you), so I'm not taking a position on that - I'm just saying that I think I see how some people might consider it a sin.
Of course we both agree that homosexual behavior is a sin.
Then, like the child in this article, there is gender identity disorder, or transgender-ness. Is that a sin? I'm pretty tempted to say it is, although that's a pretty complicated issue and I feel like I need to study my Bible some more before I definitevly condemn such behavior.
So I guess the only real conclusion I can come to about all of this... is that it's definitely caused by sin. And that there are a lot of examples of sins (or potential sins) in this situation. But there really aren't any correlations between those sins.
By Tidy Bowl, At April 27, 2007 10:29 PM
I think more of the responsiblity for a child changing their sex due to this transgender stuff should fall onto the parents. After all they are letting them go through with all of it rather than explaining to them and how the Lord creates man and woman seperatly. make sense? A child who is 9 yrs old who thinks he is a she... is SO YOUNG. For aparent to agree and let them do as they please to me is wrong.
Others may not agree ethis is what I believe.
By Drea, At April 29, 2007 1:19 PM
Brim over I assent to but I think the brief should acquire more info then it has.
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