*legit online jobs*
Since I’ve begun writing paid ads, I’ve explored all sorts of ways to make money online. Not surprisingly, there are a lot of scams out there. Many, many people are more than willing to part you from your money. It’s tough to find Legit Online Jobs, and thanks to my explorations, I now get TONS of spam email. The upside, though, is that I have learned that it is possible to make money online. It is possible to earn enough money to live off of, if not more. That’s pretty exciting. I love being in control of my future, and working online gives me that opportunity.
i know what you mean about getting all those spams. =(
Anonymous, At
November 14, 2007 11:58 PM
I've made a decent amount of money online too.. not enough to live on, but a good extra chunk of change :) I may $100 in October just for blogging (Gotta love PayU2Blog) and another $80 (almost) from PayPerPost so far. I've also made over $200 from a site called Treasure Trooper. That's since March though, and I have a lot of 2nd level referrals.. so that helps. But yeah, lots of spam from offers through sites like those. Worth it if you use different email addresses though :)
Anonymous, At
November 18, 2007 12:29 PM
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