Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

it's the most wonderful time of the year...

I had a doctor's appointment this morning at 11:00. It was just late enough that I had time to go to the library and check out a few books (some fiction and a couple of HTML guides), then drive to the doctor's. (This doctor is on the other side of the KC metro. It takes at least an hour to get there when it's NOT rush hour... and it's scary during rush hour. I have three or four other doctors that are much closer to my home.)

So I got up and went to the doctor, then ate lunch over on the other side of town. I spent pretty much the whole afternoon shopping my way back home... stopping at one store, then moving a few miles closer to home and stopping at another store, moving a few miles closer and stopping... It made for a long afternoon but I got a lot of Christmas shopping done. Tomorrow I need to wrap presents while my parents are at work.

The one store I didn't make it to today was CompUSA. They have McAfee Antivirus 3-User on sale for only $60 (after the mail in rebate). Yes, I'm a huge fan of McAfee. And it has come time to replace the antivirus on my computer as well as my dad's computer and my mom's computer.


  • This entry made me smile. :) I'm actually thinking of buying a book on HTML code myself and upgrading my site to one where I can totally customize it. Look out world! :) (Like all I really need is one more project).

    Hmmmm...I wonder if the other side of town was over on my side of town!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At December 21, 2005 2:12 PM  

  • I'm too cheap to actually BUY a book on HTML code, so I go to the library. It's the next best thing!

    The "other side of town" probably WAS near you, at least in very general terms. This doctor's office is near 435 and Roe. What can be so crazy about getting there is that I have to go through the Grandview Triangle... and you know how that can be. Not too bad when it's not rush hour, but when it's rush hour, look out!

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At December 21, 2005 2:19 PM  

  • Hi Tidy.. :-) Thanks 4 the sweet email. We will reply to it later... Just wanted 2 wish you a Merry Christmas! Take care,

    Andrea, Travis & Caleb

    By Blogger Drea, At December 22, 2005 10:17 AM  

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