Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

one day at a time


Okay, God has given me an extra burst of energy. I'm okay. Totally exhausted, but okay.

It's just been an exhausting day. I had a doctor's appointment at 9:00 am this morning, but it was on the other side of town, down a couple of interstates, well over an hour from home. Sitting in the waiting room took up most of my morning. :) Luckily I had my Bible with me, which made the time pass much more quickly.

I had to hurry from there to a subbing job. That was most of my afternoon - on my feet, pretending to be a chemistry/physics/8th grade life sciences teacher.

As soon as school was out, I had to RACE home so that I could pick up Tallahassee, then race from home to the vet. Tallahassee had to get her third and final injection of Ivermectin - her treatment for mites.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but I wasn't home all day and I'm just so tired. I think God is testing me, maybe preparing me for going overseas. I don't know. Or maybe Satan doesn't want me to go overseas. Maybe my renewed dedication to Scripture memory (and my success!) is causing a renewed attack. I don't know. I'm going to bed.


  • yea getting up at 9am is nothing compared to what awaits you if you are a missionary ;-)
    You'll do just fine though!
    The key is learning to go to bed earlier.... Ive learned that having a little one.

    So weird to think hampsters get shots!

    By Blogger Drea, At March 29, 2006 8:31 AM  

  • You're right, Drea, and I'll be fine. I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately... my dr. adjusted my medicine, which will help a lot. Part of it is probably because I don't have a full time job, so on many days I don't "do" anything. I mean, I exercise (or I try to), but other than that I'm really just kinda sitting around at home. So I'm not making myself tired. Hopefully it will improve when I get into a job (or at least a routine), as well.

    Yes, hamster get shots, and no, they do not enjoy it either! My mom thinks I'm kinda nuts for taking her to the vet, but she was okay with it because mites are little icky insects, and if left untreated, they will take over the cage and possibly get into the carpet or house, which might then require an exterminator. So the vet is just easier! Probably cheaper too.

    By Blogger Tidy Bowl, At March 29, 2006 2:53 PM  

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