Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ken Burns, "The War"

During the past few days, my mom and I have been enjoying a World War II documentary on PBS. It is a seven-part documentary and it is far better than any of the season premieres on the privately-owned stations. It is one of Ken Burns' fantastic documentaries and is called "The War". Go to pbs.org to learn more about it.

We have also been recording the documentary on our VCR. Like most Ken Burns documentaries, you seem to learn even more when you watch it the second and third time. Unfortunately, something happened that prevented the VCR from accurately recording part two. Very disappointing! The DVD is available on the website, but costs $180. I'm hoping that, possibly with a little Ebay assistance, the price of the DVD will drop significantly within a couple of months. It's really worthwhile - I just don't have much money right now!


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