Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Thursday, February 23, 2006

afternoon thoughts

I'm feeling a lot better, which kind of surprises me. I didn't expect to recover so quickly. But now I'm only left with a stuffy nose and sore throat, which go away quickly with a little decongestant and a lot of water.

My laptop is on its way to the service center, so I probably won't be online nearly as much in the next week or so. This will give me a chance to catch up on all my crochet projects and read the books I have that are due back at the library soon.

Pahokee's appointment with the vet has been postponed a bit, since my vet only works three days a week. Must be nice to have a professional degree and choose your own hours! Pokey will see her Saturday, which is great, since I think he needs some baytril. I found a couple of peculiar scabs on him, directly over his scent glands. Hope they're not infected!

The Jeopardy question today is in European fiction. It says "This 1915 story says, 'his numberous legs, which were pitifully thin, waved helplessly before his eyes...'" Any ideas?


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