Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

busy but quiet afternoon

I would say this has definitely been a good day... quiet but good. I didn't get a call to sub today - too bad! But I ran to Walmart, got lots of shopping done, and have started working on some things for my hamsters.

I wanted to give them each a little terra cotta pot to keep their nails short, and my mom pulled 2 little terra cotta pots out of the garage. Handy dandy. The only problem is that they both have purple acrylic paint on them. So I spent a large part of my afternoon figuring out how to get rid of that paint.

I discovered, quite by accident, that rubbing alcohol dissolves the paint. I had to run to the dollar store to buy another bottle of rubbing alcohol, but most of the paint has already rubbed off, and the pots are soaking in alcohol right now to dissolve the remaining paint.

I have figured out that I can send my laptop to Compaq to be serviced, which is fantastic. They will only take 4-7 days to service it, including the time it takes to ship it. However, I really wish I didn't have to send my laptop away at all. :( What can I say... it's just so convenient!

Okay... I have a story that is written in my mind and I need to go write it down. Exciting...


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