Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

i saw these two guys...


Earlier today, while I was filling my car up with gasoline, I saw these two guys - kids, really - ride up to the gas station. They couldn't have been older than 13 or 14. They were dressed all "punk", with just a touch of "goth". Both guys were riding one bicycle - one on the seat, and one standing on the bar that ran through the back wheel.

They walked into the station and bought bottles of soda and cigarrettes. Now, it was pretty saddening that they got cigarrettes at all, because in the state of Missouri it is (supposed to be) illegal to buy cigarrettes if you are under 18. While the gas was pumping into my car, I watched them stand outside the station and smoke. It made me really sad. I think we should all pray for these two kids.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you'd all say a prayer for me. I'm going to call my mission board in just a few minutes. Thanks!


  • you'd think people would have brains enough to know that smoking is very bad for you. Its discusting! My frist boyfriend and first kiss :( was a smoker... it was like licking an ashtray! Who likes that. No one.

    Theres lots of goth like kids around our town... they always look so sad to me... Saw one at the grocery store the other day ... she had terrible posture... and a very gloomy looking on her face... messy hair.. she could be so pretty if she'd just try...

    By Blogger Drea, At March 15, 2006 1:49 PM  

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