Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

organized chaos

What a day it has been - so busy! I bought my plane ticket today. I had to drive all over the place to get some forms filled out and fax them to my travel agent. Due to the public-ness of this blog, and all the terrorism and junk lately, I'm not going to tell you the date I am moving. My email address is in the right column. If you're curious, email me, and if I decide I like you, I'll write back. ;)

I'm waiting for a package today. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting. It's really annoying, because I have to stay home and just wait for it.

I'm down to packing for my journey. It's not too bad but it's a lot of work, and I honestly hope I can get it done soon!

Updates to come soon!


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