Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Friday, September 14, 2007


So I guess I'm officially approaching hermit status. I had an invitation to a semi-party-thing tonight - a group of people who were getting together for pizza and boar games. Except, I only knew one girl who would be there. I never thought I would say this, but I think I am turning into a complete and total introvert. I'm not really a fan of parties or groups! I didn't go this thing tonight, just because I didn't feel like I had the energy to deal with that. That's how it is, for me, anymore... going to parties and stuff just wears me down. I'd rather spend time with people one-on-one... I guess that's just my personality.

I think I am quite peculiar, at least in human terms... I would much rather spend hours and days at home, with a Bible, than anything.

Just for Beth: You're right... we're gonna get old and I'll have a house full of dogs next door to your house full of cats. And bunnies.


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