beat your speeding ticket: look to gps
A 17-year-old boy in Windsor, California received a speeding ticket for going 62 mph in a 45 mph zone. That in itself is not unusual – 17-year-old kids are known for their daredevil ways and high speeds. I was one once, so I know. However, what makes this ticket unique is that the boy and his parents are hoping to beat the ticket – using GPS. The boy’s parents installed a GPS tracker in his car to ensure that he did not drive over the speed limit, and they believe that the GPS system will prove that he was not speeding at the time he was pulled over. This should be an interesting case. Personally, I’m quite skeptical. I know that a GPS tracking log can easily be manipulated or forged. Furthermore, I believe in our justice system and in the police in our nation. I’m not proud of it, but I got a speeding ticket once – and I totally deserved it. I was blazing home, somewhat late at night (maybe eleven?), after going out to dinner with a friend. I paid the ticket, and I learned my lesson. It’s a shame that some parents aren’t willing to teach those lessons to their children.
On the flip side, do you suppose the rest of us could start using this to get out of our speeding tickets or get our fines reduced?
On the flip side, do you suppose the rest of us could start using this to get out of our speeding tickets or get our fines reduced?
I think the GPS teen tracking device is a good tool to teach teen drivers safe. Here is a company that sells a tracking device like this:
Anonymous, At
November 06, 2007 6:38 PM
True... and I'll confess that during my teen years, like most American teens, I lived and drove like I was invincible.
Unfortunately, I can see a lot of negative consequences associated with GPS tracking, as well as some positive. I'm not sure what the solution is.
Tidy Bowl, At
November 06, 2007 7:12 PM
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