Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Thursday, November 08, 2007

gas prices rising...

Last night on Nightline I saw a story profiling Gasbuddy.com. (read the story here) The founder of GasBuddy discussed the rise in gas prices, what it means to you and me, and what we can do about it.

I learned a few important facts last night. First, the day that gas prices usually rise is Thursday, before the weekend. Prices will decrease throughout the week until the next Thursday. So the day to fill your car up is usually Wednesday.

Also, people tend to blame Exxon or other oil companies for the high gas prices. Exxon controls a very small percentage of the oil coming into our country. The real problem is supply and demand, and the oil is predominantly controlled by the Middle Eastern countries.

All we can really "do" about the high price of gas is learn to use less gasoline. Drive a car that gets good mileage and do everything you can to reduce emissions and such. It's a depressing reality. Kind of amazing that our world is this today.


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