Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I guess today didn't turn out too awful. I'm getting along okay. I really would like to get a job, though, and preferably one that I enjoy, or where I'm learning something, or whatever. I know my mom would probably think I am crazy but I think having a job keeps me healthy, whether it is school, work, or whatever. Ever since my car accident, since I've been healing from that, I've had to keep my brain working and active. When I don't stay active, when I don't keep my brain working, everything about me gets a little more sluggish. My left arm and leg kind of drag, my coordination slows down, and I even think my immune system slows down. So I really hope I get a job, soon.

Seems like my mom and I are dragging along. I feel like I never have enough grace or patience or whatever I need to live with her.

Now all I want is to curl up for bed with one hand on Hope, my teddy bear, and the other hand on my Bible. Halfway'll have to do it for tonight.


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