Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Sunday, September 10, 2006

one year ago...

Today I received a comment on my blog, on an entry that I had posted almost exactly one year ago today, in September 2005. This person, a gentleman named Kyle, posted a reply to this entry.

It's funny looking back to then. One year ago, I was just beginning my student teaching assignment. That particular entry came at a particularly low point for me. Seemed like nothing was going right in my life, and I was really wondering when things would work out for me. I also remember that, at the time of that post, I was seriously questioning whether or not I should drop out of the student teaching program, and constantly wondering how I could explain to others about the greatly unethical events that I was witnessing.

A whole lot has changed since then. A lot lot lot lot lot. It's such a comfort to look back and be reminded of God's faithfulness, even in that time of trial. I was never alone, and God never forgot about my suffering - indeed, I see now that the suffering had to happen for the blessings that followed.

Finally, a message to Kyle: Blogger won't let me view your profile, so post again, but this time leave the url for your blog or homepage!


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