Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

hamsters hamsters i love hamsters!

By the way, everyone, my interview at Walgreens this morning went pretty well. There are 5 people going for this position, and I don't really know anything about my four "opponents". It's possible that I am older than the other applicants, and it's also possible that one or two of them are older than me. Possibly also, one or more of them is already certified. So I have to wait and see, basically. The pharmacist will decide who gets a second interview.

Anyway, I'm watching my cute adorable sweet little hamsters, and they are so funny. They're both awake, and they're "fighting" to get a turn on the wheel. I think one of them just gave up on the wheel and went back to sleep. Cute little critters.


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