Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Saturday, June 04, 2005

blogging every day...

...is a tough habit to get into!

I've really been enjoying the past few days off of work. And, I got a paycheck last Thursday! Couldn't be better, I tell ya. I got to spend an afternoon with S, lunch with BunnyServant... overall highly enjoyable.

I was really hyped yesterday because I've gotten so much closer to getting my hamster. I started buying stuff yesterday - basically the stuff that was on sale. Now I've got the cage, bedding, food... I just need a food dish, water bottle, a few toys to put inside the cage, and, of course, the actual hamsters. The sad truth is that right now I can afford everything except the hamsters, unless I dip into my savings account!

I have an interview next Tuesday with Walgreen's pharmacy. I'm really praying that something comes out of that. I guess they're looking into hiring for a pharmacy tech job, and those jobs are hard to come by (but really good jobs!).

My life is so boring. No wonder the only other person who reads my blog is BunnyServant!


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