Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Monday, August 22, 2005

crazy times

It occurred to me, as I was getting ready for bed, that I should blog one more time before school starts. I'm still stressed and going kind of nuts, but I get the feeling that will be my mood for the rest of the semester.

I didn't get a chance to change Miami's cage today, which makes me feel like the worst pet owner in the world. I wish I could have a million more pets but I know my mom won't let me. Plus I can't afford it.

I am seriously considering a job at Walmart. Saturdays only (please Lord!). I would get a 10% discount... which sounds really good to me!

I hope I get to spend more time with Bunnyservant this semester, because I am afraid I will see my other friends less and less. I might not get to go to LSCSS at all - which makes me sad because I won't get to see any of the awesome people there.

I've had a certain guy on my mind a lot lately - Bunnyservant and maybe Princessa know who I'm talking about - and that bugs me to no end. Seems like prayer is almost more of a hindrance than a help. My whole future is up in the air so much right now, it's insane. I mean, I could go the one route where I get married and have kids and pets and stuff, or I could go the other route where I graduate, then I start my master's degree and go on to get my doctorate. Or - what I dream and what seems more likely - I'll have the master's and doctorate, and I'll also get married (sometime) and have pets. Kids... big question mark. I probably won't be able to have them, and if I can I'll be passing on a lousy genetic profile, so if I have any they'll probably be adopted. Except maybe that's not what God has for me - maybe my "kids" will be the students I teach.

And I just wish I didn't even have to think about it. I mean, I'm broke and I have to figure out what in the world I am going to do after I graduate. Priority number one is going to be getting a job that has prescription coverage on their benefits, which may mean that I will have to get a job at some joint like Osco just to get their insurance. Sometime during this semester, I need to get enrolled at a graduate school so I can start my master's degree.

Guys - don't even bring them up. 'Cuz that's another of the big question marks of my future. I don't understand why my friends are who they are, I don't understand why I can't get this guy out of my mind completely, and most importantly, I don't know what I should do. A lightening bolt from heaven would be really nice right now!

It's crazy. I've had these dreams, and I feel like I know what God has planned for me. But then, I'm stuck in this patience trap. I don't know what to do, and then when I do think I know what to do, I don't have the nerve to do it. So I have to settle for just waiting, waiting for him to make a move or waiting for God to lead me to do something. Or, better yet, for another friend to do something that forces us together. But right now, all I can do is wait.

This is ridiculous. I feel like I have a dog chasing its tail inside my head. This is the conversation that goes on inside my head almost all day. I pray for it to go away, I pray for something to happen to spur things along. In the meantime, nothing happens, and I wait, and I wait, and I wait. It's so hard - no one will ever understand how hard it is sometimes. Sometimes I cry at night because I have no control over this whole situation - and if you know me, you know how that makes me feel.

It's late. I've gotta get some sleep - tomorrow's an early day. But maybe tomorrow night I will be able to blog again.


  • It does get better than this
    1 Thessalonians 4:17-18
    I love you
    We work all of our lives and go to school untill we know everything about nothing and we have everything we dont need.
    There is only one goal in mind.
    His Glory awaits us.
    Focus on Jesus, and you will be successful in all you do.
    Come over and play Barbies, you know you want to. =)
    I start my school tommorrow

    By Blogger Princessa, At August 22, 2005 5:22 PM  

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