memory lane
This evening, I was sorting some of my files and getting my financial affairs in order, in case I go overseas and also just because it is a good thing to do. One of the things I did was to sort out all my receipts from my checking account. I have NOT done a good job of keeping up with that over the past few years! So I basically had to sort out about four or five years' worth of receipts.
It was actually kind of fun! Looking at all my old receipts brought back a lot of memories. Some of them didn't mean anything to me - like the "account withdrawal" receipts, or the receipts from the gas station. But the others brought back a lot of memories. Memories like, "I remember when I ate at this-or-that restaurant", or "I remember when I bought this piece of furniture", or "I remember when I traveled to that place".
It's so fascinating to look back on the journey God has brought me on these past few years. I never, ever would have expected to be where I am today - but at the same time, I am so thankful that God has brought me to this place. I wouldn't have it any other way.
This evening, I was sorting some of my files and getting my financial affairs in order, in case I go overseas and also just because it is a good thing to do. One of the things I did was to sort out all my receipts from my checking account. I have NOT done a good job of keeping up with that over the past few years! So I basically had to sort out about four or five years' worth of receipts.
It was actually kind of fun! Looking at all my old receipts brought back a lot of memories. Some of them didn't mean anything to me - like the "account withdrawal" receipts, or the receipts from the gas station. But the others brought back a lot of memories. Memories like, "I remember when I ate at this-or-that restaurant", or "I remember when I bought this piece of furniture", or "I remember when I traveled to that place".
It's so fascinating to look back on the journey God has brought me on these past few years. I never, ever would have expected to be where I am today - but at the same time, I am so thankful that God has brought me to this place. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I sing a solo often called "Its my Desire" by the downings I believe... any how part of the lyrics are "I to was once so lost... but I found my way to God... and its my desire to live for You."
"and if you could see ... where Jesus brought me from... to where I am today. Then you'd know the reason why... I LOVE HIM SO. Well you can take this world. Its wealth and its riches. I dont need earths power. Its my desire to live for Him."
Pretty powerful song. Ive cried twice while singing it haha.
Im in the library writing this blog entry.. feels strange haha.
By Drea, At April 04, 2006 9:31 AM
I read a Bible verse today that was so appropriate for this.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
~1 John 3:1
By Tidy Bowl, At April 05, 2006 2:37 PM
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