Tidy Bowl Has No Idea What to Name Her Blog

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


When I lived in Africa, I saw that drums and other percussion instruments were a HUGE part of their life. Just about every native-born African was skilled on a djembe - a drum made from local wood, animal skin, and rope. There were also many, many percussion instruments made with nuts or other local products. None of the instruments were fancy, "western", or factory-made, like tamborines from musicians friend, yet they were all very high quality. It's a beautiful part of their culture.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

health care

It's impossible to avoid discussions of health care in the news nowadays, what with the Affordable Care Act and the fiasco that it has become. Everyone has to deal with it, regardless of whether you already have insurance or are uninsured, whether you live in a state with a state-run exchange or whether your state is using the federal exchange, like nc health agency. What a mess. Makes me wonder if there is any end in sight.